Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date_________________
Safety Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________
Job Specific Topics:_____________________________________________________________________________________
M.S.D.S Reviewed:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Attended By:
Batteries of the non-seal type shall be located in enclosures with outside vents or in well ventilated rooms, so arranged as to prevent the escape of fumes, gases or electrolyte spray into other areas.

Ventilation shall be provided to ensure diffusion of the gases from the battery to prevent the accumulation of an explosive mixture.

Racks and trays shall be substantial and treated to be resistant to the electrolyte.

Floors shall be of acid-resistant construction or be protected from acid accumulations.

Face shields, aprons and rubber gloves shall be provided for workers handling acids or batteries,

Facilities for quick drenching of the eyes and body shall be provided within 25 feet of the work area for emergency use.

Facilities shall be provided for flushing and neutralizing spilled electrolyte, for fire protection, for protecting charging apparatus from damage by trucks, and for adequate ventilation for dispersal of fumes from gassing batteries.