Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date_________________
Safety Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________
Job Specific Topics:_____________________________________________________________________________________
M.S.D.S Reviewed:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Attended By:
When we work around concrete we should be aware of the hazards and safety precautions related to this operation.

Employees working more than 6 feet above any adjacent working surface, placing and tying reinforcing steel in walls, piers, columns, etc., should use a safety belt or equivalent device.

Employees should not be permitted to work above vertically protruding reinforcing steel unless it has been protected to eliminate the hazard of impalement. In other words, the rebar has to be protected from the worker.

Handles on bull floats should be of nonconductive materials or insulated with a nonconductive sheath when used around energized electrical conductors.

When using a powered or rotating-type trowel machine, the control switch will automatically shut off the power when the operator removes his hands from the handle- DO NOT USE "TIE-DOWNS" on the conĀ­trol switches.

Riding concrete buckets for any purpose should be prohibited.

Vibrator crews should be kept out from under concrete buckets suspended from cranes or cableways.

When discharging on a slope, make sure the ready-mix truck's wheels are blocked and the brakes set to preĀ­vent movement.

Personal protective equipment should be used when needed.

All equipment, hand and power, should be checked and in safe working condition before use - replace or repair all defective tools.

If concrete splatters on the skin, wash off as soon as possible.