Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date_________________
Safety Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________
Job Specific Topics:_____________________________________________________________________________________
M.S.D.S Reviewed:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Attended By:
Concrete is a mixture of cement, water, and aggregates, and often one or more additives. It is used on just about every construction project - footings, caissons, foundations, slabs on grade, walls, curbs and gutters to name just a few. Some safety issues need to be addressed when working with concrete. Fresh, portland cement concrete is highly alkaline (caustic), and can cause skin irritation and burns. You know how uncomfortable it feels if you've ever suffered a concrete burn. Here are a few precautions to take to avoid needless pain and injury:
KEEP CEMENT PRODUCTS OFF THE SKIN -- protect yourself by wearing boots, gloves and appropriate clothing. If you get any in your boots be sure to wash it out and change into clean, dry socks.
WASH YOUR SKIN PROMPTLY -- after contact with concrete. A good and convenient water source is the water tank on a concrete delivery truck.
KEEP CEMENT PRODUCTS OUT OF YOUR EYES -- by wearing the proper type of protective eye wear. Certain jobs require goggles, others full face shields, some need only regular safety glasses.
KEEP CHILDREN AWAY -- children and fresh concrete are a dangerous mix. Prevent unnecessary injuries or even worse by watching, or barricading against their curiosity.
KEEP A SHARP LOOKOUT FOR BACKING MIXER TRUCKS -- they carry tons of concrete and should you get too close you can be crushed or run over.
WATCH FOR PINCH POINTS -- concrete chutes have been known to amputate a finger or fingers in just a split second. Special attention must be given when loading or unloading chutes.
CHECK HAND TOOLS -- shovels, concrete rakes, vibrators, come-alongs, bull floats, kelly floats, etc. all have the potential of causing an injury if not kept in good repair.
CHECK INTERNAL VIBRATORS -- for broken electrical components.
LOOK OVERHEAD FOR LOW POWER LINES -- metal parts, float handles, tools and dump chutes need to avoid these wires.
Follow these guidelines and your concrete pour should be completed without incident.