Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date_________________
Safety Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________
Job Specific Topics:_____________________________________________________________________________________
M.S.D.S Reviewed:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Attended By:
I heard a carpenter asked his insurance company to pay for damage to his glass eye. It had been broken when a nail he was driving flew up and struck it. When asked how he had lost his own eye in the first place, he replied: "The same way, a nail hit it."
A world of darkness awaits this man if a nail strikes his remaining good eye. He has yet to appreciate the need for eye protection. You, yourself, may find it difficult to get accustomed to wearing eye protection, but would getting accustomed to wearing a glass eye be any easier?
Eye protection has been used in the construction industry since 1910. And, undoubtedly, many workers have escaped serious eye injury because of it. You may personally know some fortunate individuals who saved their sight this way.
Depending on your job, you may need goggles, an eye shield, a face mask or safety glasses. All it takes on your part is a little effort to select the appropriate type and to wear it.
Basically, there are four types of particles that cause eye injuries on the job.
1. Unidentified Flying Objects: These microscopic objects consist of dust and particles floating around in the air, generated by wind, equipment, or cleaning operations. When working in dusty conditions, wear eye protection. Even a small speck in the eye can lead to trouble.
2. Particles Resulting From Chipping, Grinding, Sawing, Brushing, Hammering or Using Power Tools: These particles move at an amazing speed and strike with the force of a bullet. Wear eye protection any time overhead operations are performed. It may be advisable on some jobs to wear safety goggles under a full face shield.
3. Invisible Hazards: You can't see the injurious light rays generated by welding operations or laser beams. And their effects often are not felt until hours later. Wear the eye protection required when using such equip­ment. And if you happen to be working nearby, don't look in the direction of welding arcs or where a laser beam is being used.
4. Liquids: Hot liquids, such as tar or asphalt, solvents, paint, and solutions for cleaning masonry or metal, can cause serious eye injury if splashed in your face. The use of proper eye protection, and a full face shield is essential when transferring liquids between containers and when using caustic or acid cleaners.
Eye injuries happen in a split second. So put on your eye protection as soon as you get back to your job after this meeting. Don't blind yourself to the necessity of protecting your sight.