Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date_________________
Safety Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________
Job Specific Topics:_____________________________________________________________________________________
M.S.D.S Reviewed:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Attended By:
This may sound like a contradiction, but the problem with fire prevention on a construction site is the absence of a problem. Fires do not occur with frequency or regularity and therefore workers are not particularly concerned about them. Another word for this is complacency, an environment in which danger grows and thrives. It is extremely difficult to motivate some one to take an active interest in fire prevention when the person has never been involved in a serious fire and when they face other, imminent hazards on a daily basis. This leads to the common misconception that fire prevention is someone else's problem.

Almost every construction worker has at one time or another seen someone injured by a fall or being struck by an object. Very few have seen a person burned in a fire, or seen valuable property and months of work reduced to smoke and ashes.

We need to be reminded regularly of the ever-present danger of fire. We need to know the different types of fires and extinguishers. Briefly, electrical or flammable liquid fires require an extinguisher rated BC. Use a water extinguisher only for Class A fires (wood, paper etc.). A dry chemical extinguisher rated ABC is for all classes of fire. Aim at the base of the fire and move the nozzle from side to side in a sweeping motion. If the fire continues, evacuate everyone from the area and call the fire department.

Observe all 'NO SMOKING' signs, especially near flammables. Make sure the area is free from all combustibles when burning or welding. Place all construction debris in the proper area for disposal . Know where fire extinguishers are located.

A fire today could mean loss of life, loss of a job, personal injury or property damage. Are you doing your part to prevent one? Check both your job and your home for fire hazards.