Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date_________________
Safety Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________
Job Specific Topics:_____________________________________________________________________________________
M.S.D.S Reviewed:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Attended By:
We’ve all heard of someone  using an oxy-acetylene torch to cut the end out of a 55 gallon metal drum which contained  a small residual of flammable liquid  and the drum to exploded when the torch cut through the metal.
A gas station attendant was using gasoline as a solvent to clean a grease deposit near the lube rack. Vapors accumulated in the immediate area and were ignited by the pilot light of a floor mounted hot water heater. The resulting explosion and fire caused second and third degree skin burns over 90% of the attendant's body.
Simply stated, the term flammable indicates that the material will ignite easily, and burn rapidly. Contrary to popular belief, the flammable liquid itself does not burn, but the vapor it generates does. If the temperature of the liquid was reduced to below the flash point, insufficient vapor would be generated to establish ignition. Given the proper air/vapor mix contained within a closed space, and a source of ignition, an explosion will result.

.... Smoking in flammable liquid storage, transfer, and use areas.
.... Poor flammable vapor exhaust ventilation.

.... Poor flammable liquid storage practices.

.... Unprotected electrical wiring and equipment within flammable liquid storage and use areas.

.... Use of gasoline or other flammable liquids for cleaning without proper safeguards.

.... The quick identification of the location of fire extinguishers lacking.

.... Does everyone understand what flammables are?

.... Clearly identify all containers containing flammable materials.

.... Identify and protect areas where flammables are stored, transferred and used.

.... Ensure good ventilation where flammables are located.

.... Smoking controlled?

.... Proper grounding and bonding of the containers during flammable liquid transfer.

.... Equipment ignition sources (fire, electrical) controlled?

.... Use of nonflammable solvents used for cleaning.

.... Proper extinguishers readily available and properly serviced.

.... Empty containers used to hold flammable materials steam cleaned.