Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date_________________
Safety Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________
Job Specific Topics:_____________________________________________________________________________________
M.S.D.S Reviewed:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Attended By:
Keep all hand tools in good condition. Check to be sure that safety devices are in place and in proper working order. Lubricate your tools on a regular schedule. Keep them sharp and they will help you perform your job safely.

Typical hand tools include hammers, wrenches, screwdrivers, hand saws, axes, hacksaws, shovels, rakes, come-a-longs, picks, sledge hammers, wheelbarrows, levels, knives, punches, chisels, pliers, etc. You have probably used most of these at one time or another.

Each hand tool has a particular job to do and it's your responsibility to use the tool as the manufacturer designed it. Short cuts using the wrong tool will often cause an accident. A perfect example of this is using a screwdriver to pry with when the right tool is a pry bar. Or think about the time you may have used a crescent wrench as a hammer because you didn't have a hammer handy. A very poor safety practice and not too good for the misused tool either.

When using hand tools remember to wear the proper personal protective equipment. If there is any potential for an eye injury, safety glasses are a must. Protect your hands by wearing gloves. Watch out for sharp pointed tools as well as sharp edges on saws -- both will cause a nasty cut if handled improperly. If you have any question about what to wear ask your supervisor.

After you're done with a hand tool return it to the place it belongs. This may be your own tool box or belt, or it may be back in the tool trailer or gang box. When you return it, place it properly so that the next person can pick it up without the possibility of injury. Should a tool get damaged take it out of service for repairs, and if it can't be repaired, dispose of it. Defective tools are dangerous and should not be used. Taking a chance with one last use of a defective tool could be your last chance, period.

Hand tools make your job much easier. Care for them properly and use them wisely.