Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date_________________
Safety Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________
Job Specific Topics:_____________________________________________________________________________________
M.S.D.S Reviewed:_____________________________________________________________________________________
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Operations involving heavy equipment should be planned to REDUCE BACKING OF EQUIPMENT.

Heavy wheeled construction equipment should be equipped with special mirrors to help eliminate blind spots.  Even with additional mirrors, there are still blind spots from the operator's control position.  Some heavy construction equipment has no view to the rear from the operator's position and requires a spotter before moving backwards.

Backup alarms are required on all heavy equipment and trucks used on the construction site.  If an alarm is not working, bring it to the attention of your supervisor so that repairs can be made.

Bi-directional alarms and horns are available for construction equipment.  The advantage of the bi-directional alarm is that any person near the equipment is alerted to the movement of the machine.  These devices have helped reduce the number of persons struck by heavy equipment.

Equipment operators can work to prevent accidents.  Each operator should develop a habit of walking around their equipment before operation.  Check the equipment itself and the area where you will be operating the equipment.  Are there any obstacles such as depressions or poles that might effect how you operate your machine.

Heavy construction equipment operators are to be qualified and physically fit.  The must know the limitations of the equipment they operate and their own limitations.  They must be aware of blind spots.  They should never back up until they are sure of what is behind them.

Operators should have someone to guide them in congested areas when they are unable to see to the rear.  If operators lose sight of their guide, they should stop the machine or vehicle immediately.  Operators must never assume there are no obstacles to the machine's rearward path.  They must check to make sure.