Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date_________________
Safety Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________
Job Specific Topics:_____________________________________________________________________________________
M.S.D.S Reviewed:_____________________________________________________________________________________
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That old saying about taking care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves probably applies more to safety in construction than in any other occupation.
There are dozens of things that many of us do, any number of times each day without thought. Because they are done without thought, they are often done improperly. Let's discuss the little things about getting off equipment, trucks, shovels, tractors, graders, scrapers, cranes............etc.
You may think this is unimportant; however, some of the most common injuries in construction work are sprained ankles, broken legs, and strains, sprains and abrasions caused by getting off equipment improperly. All of us can recall serious injuries that have resulted from accidents of this nature.
When you are getting out of a truck or climbing off a piece of equipment it is easy to slip...this slip may result in a sprained ankle, a concussion because you struck your head when you fell, you could even die several days later.
We don't want serious injuries on any job and, just as surely, we hope to avoid all less serious injuries also. In order to prevent accidents and injuries resulting from these little things, always follow a safe procedure when getting down to the ground from equipment or other low heights.
Don't jump when getting off equipment. Watch your footing. Use the handholds or knotted ropes.
Always keep safe practices in mind. It is often the little things that cause injuries.