Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date_________________
Safety Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________
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M.S.D.S Reviewed:_____________________________________________________________________________________
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We have discussed the major changes in the OSHA Fall Protection Standard for Construction such as the Body Belts, the Six Foot Rule, Non-Locking Snap Hooks, etc.. But what are the options which will provide us Fall Protection and help us to comply with the Standard?

OSHA has listed 15 general areas where some form of fall protection will be needed if the potential for a fall over 6 feet exists. The list of fifteen types of work and the means allowed for providing fall protection is provided on the attached chart.

Remember these changes to the Federal OSHA Construction Standards are there to protect you and are minimum requirements. Those of you with STATE Standards should consult your state regulations. Many of the State OSHA Programs have adopted the Federal OSHA Standard as written.

FALL PROTECTION information for some specific areas, that you might want to know about, is covered in many different Subparts of your Federal or State Standards. Some of these that you may want to refer to are: Subpart L -- Scaffolds, Subpart N -- Cranes and Derricks, Subpart R -- Steel Erection, Subpart S -- Underground Construction, Caissons, Cofferdams, and Compressed Air, Subpart V -- Power Transmission and Distribution, Subpart X -- Stairways and Ladders.

Knowing the tools that are available to protect you is smart. Using them is even smarter. If there is a potential for falling - you need protection.