Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date_________________
Safety Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________
Job Specific Topics:_____________________________________________________________________________________
M.S.D.S Reviewed:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Attended By:
Prior to conducting functional tests or energizing circuits, the necessary precautions shall be taken to assure that the tests can be conducted without injuring personnel or causing damage to equipment or materials.
The following guidelines shall be observed by personnel assigned to test activities:
Other contractors, client personnel and company personnel working in an area which could be effected by a test shall be made aware of the scheduled test. The Test Supervisor or his designee shall be responsible for this notification and shall document the action in his daily log or by other suitable means.
Barricades and/or guards shall be posted as required to protect personnel from moving items, high-voltage or other potential danger.
Test Supervisors shall determine the panels, boxes or other equipment which will be energized during the test.
Personnel shall be assigned and thoroughly indoctrinated as to the methods to be used to terminate the test in case of an emergency.
Parallel and interconnecting circuits shall be locked-out to prevent energization. Tags shall be placed on switches or equipment to indicate that such circuits are not to be energized.
Energized equipment or circuits shall be tagged showing that they are energized. The tags shall not be removed until the test is complete and the item or area is placed in a safe condition.
Tests shall be conducted or supervised by qualified personnel
Observe all the safety precautions which are contained in the test procedure applicable to the item or system being tested.
Safety equipment (e.g., rubber gloves, eye protection, grounding sticks, etc.) shall be used by test personnel as applicable.
On completion of tests, the Test Supervisor shall assure that equipment or circuits are de-energized and discharged, prior to terminating the test activity.