Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date_________________
Safety Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________
Job Specific Topics:_____________________________________________________________________________________
M.S.D.S Reviewed:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Attended By:
All construction workers should be alert to the potential hazards associated with concrete and masonry operations. Among the most critical unsafe practices are:

· premature removal of formwork;

· failure to brace masonry walls;

· failure to adequately support precast panels;

· inappropriate operation of equipment;

· failure to guard the end of reinforcing steel;

· inadequate shoring, which can lead to formwork collapse.

General safety requirements should always be followed on construction, demolition, alteration or repair worksites-not just because of OSHA standards, but because serious accidents and injuries may happen if they are not.

o Construction Loads: Construction loads must not be placed on a concrete structure unless it has been determined that the structure is capable
   of supporting the intended loads, based on information received from a person who is qualified in structural design.

o Reinforcing Steel: All protruding reinforcing steel, onto which an individual could fall, must be guarded to eliminate the hazard of impalement.

o Post-Tensioning Operations: No one (except those essential to post-tensioning operations) should be permitted behind the jack during
   tensioning operations. Signs and barriers must be erected to limit worker access to the post-tensioning area during tensioning operations.

o Concrete Buckets: Under no condition may employees ride concrete buckets.

o Working Under Loads: Never work under concrete buckets while the buckets are traveling, being elevated or lowered into position. Elevated
   concrete buckets must be routed so that no employee is exposed to the hazards associated with falling concrete buckets.

o Personal Protective Equipment: Protective head and face equipment must always be worn when applying cementitius grout through a
   pneumatic hose. A safety harness must be worn or equivalent fall protection provided while placing or tying vertical reinforcing steel and
   working more than 6 feet above any adjacent working surface.

o Masonry Construction: Whenever a masonry wall is being constructed, a limited access zone must be established prior to the start of

The limited access zone must be as follows:

· Equal to the height of the wall to be constructed, plus 4 feet, and running the entire length of the wall;

· On the side of the wall that will be unscaffolded;

· Restricted to entry only by employees actively engaged in constructing the wall;

· Kept in place until the wall is adequately supported to prevent overturning and collapse. If the height of the wall is more than 8 feet and 
  unsupported, bracing must remain in place until permanent supporting elements of the structure are in place.

Be aware of the hazards of concrete and masonry operations and pre-plan your work!

Short cuts and haste can lead to painful accidents!