Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date_________________
Safety Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________
Job Specific Topics:_____________________________________________________________________________________
M.S.D.S Reviewed:_____________________________________________________________________________________
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We wear clothing that can either protect us from an accident or pull us into one. It all depends on whether we wear the proper clothing at the proper time. For example, gloves should be worn when handling rough material but a worker suffered a seriously disabled hand when the glove on his hand caught and wound around a power drill he was using.
Pants that are too long may cause you to trip coming down a ladder or stepping backward. Your heel can catch and down you go. Cuffs can catch on the equipment and cause a fall.
Work shoes need thick soles and ankle support. Don't use your worn out dress shoes on the job.
Keep your clothes clean. Dusty or oil soaked clothing can cause skin irritations. Also clothes soaked with oil and grease can result in fatal burns should their wearer come in contact with a spark or flame.
Wear enough clothing in cold weather. Wool is warmer than cotton and two light layers are better than one real heavy one.
Leave off the decorations. One man lost a finger when his ring caught as he fell climbing down from a truck. Loose watch chains, keys on belts, or any item that might hook on something should be avoided.
Remember that hard hats and safety glasses protect our brains and our eyes.
We would think a football player crazy to come out on the field to play in a baseball uniform. Let's dress right for our jobs, too.