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You can bet your life on a ladder. A good ladder used right is a safe and convenient helper.
But a defective ladder or a ladder misused can kill or cripple.
Before you climb, always check the ladder for defects. Here are some things to look for:
Loose, split, cracked, or missing rungs; Missing or damaged feet (if the ladder is equipped with them); Any signs of rot; excessive warping; cracks in the rails, especially near the rungs.
We have plenty of good ladders, so don't use a defective one.
Be sure the ladder is the right type for the job. Soft ground or slippery flooring may demand a ladder with safety feet. A metal ladder is too hazardous around electricity. Certain jobs need a platform ladder. Get the type that fits your need.
Handle the ladder carefully. A large ladder is tricky to handle. Don't hesitate to get help.
Be sure you know where you are putting it. Don't let it contact live electric wires, and don't rest it on gutters, glass, or other weak supporting surfaces.
Don't climb with your hands full of gear. If you can't sling what you need over your shoulders, put the tools/materials in a pail or bag fastened to a line which goes up the ladder with you. When you get to the working level, hoist the tools/materials up and fasten it to the platform or to the rung.
If you are climbing in an area where people are walking or running power trucks, post someone at the base of the ladder to keep traffic away.
When climbing a ladder, hold on to the rails, not to the rungs. As you climb, check the ladder to be sure each rung and the rails are safe. This is in addition to your initial check.