Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date_________________
Safety Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________
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A lockout is a lock placed on a machine which prevents the power source from being activated accidentally. Here is the safe way to lock out:
- Always use your own lock. If you don't have one, ask.
- When working with others on the same machine, use your own lock - don't depend on their locks for your safety. Lock and tag the circuit box switch if repairs on the machine are being made.
- Lock out all energy sources-this includes hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical energy as well as unattendĀed vehicles.
- Test the machine to be sure the lockout is effective.
- Wait until a relief worker locks out before you unlock at the end of your shift.
- Never pull fuses instead of locking out. The circuit may not be dead and there is no way of knowing who may replace the fuse and when.
- Never loan anyone your key or lock combination.
- Never let anyone remove your lock.
- Never disregard lockout procedures when they are called for. You could endanger the lives of your co-workers in addition to risking your own life.