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I’ll bet most of us here have suffered the pain and discomfort of a backache and should understand how important it is to prevent the strain in the first place. Far too many of the back strains that occur, at home and at work, could have been prevented if a few rules were followed. Take just a moment to learn these easy steps and use them whenever you're lifting heavy objects. They could prevent a backache from ruining your day.
1. Footing is as important in lifting as it is to a batter in baseball. Your feet should be close to the object to be lifted and far enough for good balance (about shoulder width). Place one foot slightly ahead of the other. Your toes should be pointed slightly outward.
2. Bend your knees and go down to a crouch (but not a full squat - it takes double effort to straighten up from a full squat as it does form a crouch).
3. Keep your back as straight as possible; don't arch it.
4. Get a good, firm grip on the object. Do not lift until your hold is strong and your hands won't slip.
5. Lift the object slowly straightening your legs; keeping the load close to you as you come up. (By keeping your spine straight, you force your leg muscles to do the lifting.
6. If you have to change direction, do not twist your body. To turn, move only your legs and feet.
7. To set down the object, reverse the lifting procedure. With back straight, bend knees and go down to the crouching position.