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Did you know wet roads require 50% more distance in which to stop, and ice 10 times more distance! Here are some tricks for bad weather driving:

1. Drive at a safe speed for weather, traffic and road conditions.

2. Maintain on wet roads at least twice the safe following distance for dry pavement or two car lengths for every 10 miles of speed.

3. Make smooth gradual turns and gradual stops by pumping the brakes lightly when slowing down. Don't let the wheels lock.

4. Rein your reflexes. You can't automatically twist the wheel or slam on your brakes to squeak out of a tight spot.

5. Expect ice on bridges, at an underpass or on the shady side of a hill. Intersections can be more slippery and extra hazardous.

6. Slow down before entering a turn while on the straightaway.

7. Beware of one bald tire or uneven brakes. Such conditions can quickly throw you into a skid.