Yes__No__Up-to-date list of all equipment and other property insured?
Yes__No__List includes original date of purchase?
Yes__No__List includes original cost including accessories?
Yes__No__List includes serial numbers?
Yes__No__List includes location of serial or ID number on equipment?
Yes__No__List includes model number?
Yes__No__List includes description of equipment including size, weight and manufactures name?
Yes__No__Current photographs of equipment available to help identification by authorities?
Yes__No__A daily record of where equipment is located while on job sites?
Yes__No__Inventory small tools on a weekly basis?
Yes__No__Paint or mark equipment in unique way? (bright color, company name, etc.)
Yes__No__Punch or engrave equipment with your own ID numbers in two places? (one obvious and one hidden)
Yes__No__Post warning notices on equipment advising all VIN numbers and serial numbers are recorded?
Yes__No__Equipment includes anti-theft devices or double locking systems?
Yes__No__Heavy equipment immobilized in an effective way when not in use? (remove battery, starter, rotor)
Yes__No__Equipment provided with anti-vandalism devices and locks? (locking caps for fuel, oil, panels for instruments)
Yes__No__Major pieces of equipment protected with alarm systems and/or LoJack type theft recovery systems?
Yes__No__Is equipment locked at night and keys removed and parked under lights and with good visibility?
Yes__No__Record kept of number of sets of keys you have for each piece of equipment?
Yes__No__Specific individual accountable for key control?
Yes__No__Keys to all equipment stored on job and yard accounted for and documented?
Yes__No__Keys for equipment assigned to jobsites collected at the end of the day?
Yes__No__Does daily report include statement as to the disposition of all equipment and keys?
Yes__No__Maintain adequate fire break or separation between equipment and other property stored overnight?
Yes__No__Does jobsite have temporary lighting and fenced in on all sides and locked?
Yes__No__A watchperson is employed at night and on weekends and holidays?
Yes__No__Local police notified of your jobsite and requested to increase their surveillance?
Yes__No__Installed "NO TRESPASSING" signs on the job site?
Yes__No__Store small tools in locked tool crib, job trailer or secured gang box?
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Project Name______________________
Inspected By_______________________
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